
Showing posts from February, 2018

Alto Peak - The Marvelous Summit of Mt. Amandiwing

It was a busy Wednesday morning when a message popped up in my messenger’s notification. It read – “are you available this Saturday?”. I was then so delighted to send her my positive response. Why so? Because, for the past years, I am captivated by the mountains I have seen during my entire travel to Ormoc city, and I can't help but admire these soaring towers of Leyte - the sky-high Tongonan and Mt. Amandiwing in the left and the towering Magsanga on the other side. I have been longing to set foot in all of these mountains since then. Went scrambling in Magsanga last year and this time, let me start with Alto Peak. The message was sent to me from a friend who is also an AdveNaturer, whose passion for mountain climbing has sparked within her that every weekend she would physically take off on a long-haul nature trip. She would invite and encourages others to do the same enriching, healthy workout. Her name is Anne. Saturday. I woke up at exactl